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breatheand life和victory(breathe a word是什么意思呢?)

I can draft up a quick and dirty NDA, get that signed ASAP. Great, Yun.So, Fallon, I want you to sit…


breathe a word是什么意思呢?—— Hello ——大家好breathe是呼吸word是词那么breathe a word 是什么意思呢?情景对接点击边框调出视频工具条 视频截取自《合伙人之路》

Whoevers Phrase that Pays gets spoken first wins, feeling lucky? Sure. Lets go with"slippery slope". I thought you were the competition.

Fair enough. How about "align incentives." NO. "Boil the 软文发布ocean."I dont know. "Most impactful."You did that last time. And its not really a phrase.

All right people. Take your seats, please. Lets go, you wanna work today or what? Lets start with the Alcor deal. Last week, we went in, we kick the tires. This week, were gonna take this baby out for a spin. Wh软文发布ich reminds me, I want you to take care of the shell corporation that we talked about this morning. I need to take a deposition for my effing uncle. Okay? On to new business, Sun Corp, big-time energy conglomerate in Houston, is acquiring Min Enterprises, a clean-tech play for 2.9 billion.

Whoo! That软文发布s real money. This deal could make or break our year. So nobody breathes a word of this. Are you

available? Willing and able. Excellent.I can draft up a quick and dirty NDA, get that signed ASAP. Great, Yun. So, Fallon, I want you to

sit inon the kickoffthis afternoon. Ted Lassiter, Sun Corp CEO, is c软文发布oming at three oclock.Love to.Great.

I worked on an oil and gas client last year. Chevron divested its holdings in Mexicos Royale Oil. So I know all about family-owned energy and all those tricky regulatory issues.

Yes, great,Yun, you sit in on the kickoffas well. Make sure were ready to go at three o软文发布clock. Absolutely. Yes. My pleasure.

breathe a wordbreathe a word直译为“说出一个字”,引申为“走漏风声”例句Yes, thats right. But, rest assured, none of them will

breathe a wordof what you say here today!是的,说对了但是,放心吧,它们都不会说出你今天在这里说过的话!If you breathe a word of what youve seen here, you will do time for treason.。

如果你把这里看到的说出软文发布去,我就以叛国罪搞死你not breathe a word守口如瓶;只字不提例句I will not breathe a wordof your secret to another man.。

关于你的秘密,我绝不会向别人泄露一个字的。Dont breathe a word of this to anyone.有关此事对任何人都只字别提。

接下来我们看一下视频中其他的词链Slippery SlopeSlippery Slope 滑坡效应slope 斜坡,表面不平整的地方slippery滑的,不稳定的如果某样东西是滑溜溜的,就很难在斜坡上立住。

Slippery Slope 指的是一旦开始就很难停止的软文发布一系列事件,而且情况有可能变得愈发糟糕例句Jake should be careful. Hes on a very slippery slope.

杰克得小心了他目前的情况越来越糟糕sit insit in 可不是只有坐的意思哦sit in 可表示列席;参加;旁听例句I willsit inon meetings.我将会参加会议.Fair enough。

Fair enough为口语常见说法,当对方的陈述、决定或者行为合情合理,但可能自己还有很多隐藏的东西没有表达出来时,可以用这个表达意思是“讲得通”,“说得过去”,“有一些道理”,有时近于空洞、含混的“嗯”、“哦”、“好”等。

Fair enou软文发布gh既可以表示“积极的肯定”也可以表示“勉强同意”例句"Fair enough,"he said, and momentarily there was a pleasant consensus. 。

“好吧”,他说.一瞬间,我们之间似达成了一个共识,这让人愉快"Fair enough,Im ready to do something else anyway, " Roger replies.“也行正好我也准备玩点别的,”罗杰回道。

kickoffkickoff 指(足球赛的)开球,开赛; (活动的)开始kickoff源自于足球,就是开球,发球的意思后来,这个足球术语逐渐引入到商业中,引申为XX开始软文发布,kickoff 是“项目启动会”,经常用于一个项目正式开始的会议用语。

例句During thekickoff, the team structures were discussed and mapped out for the next release.在开始研讨会上,针对下一个版本讨论并制定了团队结构。

availableavailable指人 “能够出席的, 有时间的”例句Are you availablefor a meeting tomorrow morning? 你明早能出席会议吗?Im afraid I

wont be availabletomorrow.我恐怕明天没有空另外,ava软文发布ilable形容人时还可表示“单身的”,not available就是“名花有主或名草有主”的意思今天的分享就到这里啦你还可以在台词中找到我们之前学过的词链么?

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